Early Orthodontics

At What Age Should a Child First Visit the Orthodontist?

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends an orthodontic screening for most children by age 7. This early evaluation allows our specialists to assess the necessity and timing of orthodontic treatment. Many local dentists are trained to detect early orthodontic issues and may refer you to our office before age 7 if they have concerns.

Why Are Children Evaluated at Such an Early Age?

At Weston Orthodontic Associates, we prioritize early diagnosis and treatment to address orthodontic issues effectively:

  • Guiding Teeth Position: Early intervention guides erupting teeth into more favorable positions, preserving space for permanent teeth.
  • Reducing Risk: It also reduces the risk of front teeth fracturing, ensuring a healthier smile from an early age.
  • Influencing Growth: Dr. Han focuses on influencing jaw growth and the timely eruption of permanent teeth.
  • Correcting Habits: Early treatment corrects habits like thumb sucking, speech problems, and abnormal swallowing, setting the stage for optimal dental health.

Does Early Treatment Benefit All Children?

Early treatment isn’t necessary for every child. Some orthodontic issues are better addressed in the teen years when all permanent teeth have erupted or certain skeletal issues require more advanced growth stages. Dr. Han creates individual treatment plans based on each child’s unique needs. Children not yet ready for treatment are re-evaluated every 6-9 months to determine the ideal start time for treatment.

  • Monitoring Growth: We observe the eruption pattern of permanent teeth to assess the optimal time for treatment.
  • Early Intervention: Early removal of baby teeth may be recommended to enhance alignment and reduce treatment duration.
  • No Cost: These periodic evaluations are provided at no cost, ensuring the best outcome for your child’s dental health.

Will Early Treatment Eliminate the Need for Braces Later?

Early treatment addresses significant issues, prevents more severe problems, and streamlines future treatment. However, a comprehensive Phase II treatment (full braces) during the teen years may still be necessary for final alignment, as all permanent teeth may not have fully erupted during early intervention.

Do We Still Need to See Our Family Dentist During Orthodontic Treatment?

Patients with braces should continue regular dental check-ups and cleanings every six months to maintain optimal dental health.

For more information on our orthodontic services, contact us today.