Teen Orthodontics

When Should You Get Braces?

The ages between 11 and 15 are typically the most common for receiving orthodontic treatment, and there’s good reasoning behind this. By around age 12, nearly all permanent teeth have emerged and are in position, making it easier to identify issues such as misaligned teeth, gaps, and improper bites. These problems rarely resolve on their own, prompting many parents to opt for orthodontic care at this stage.

  • Ideal Timing: Adolescence is optimal for orthodontic intervention due to the emergence of permanent teeth, facilitating effective treatment planning and correction of dental issues.
  • Social Life: Many children in this age bracket undergo orthodontic treatments, making it easier to persuade them to wear braces. Social influence plays a positive role as they see others with braces and want to fit in.
  • Metabolic Advantage: Teenagers typically have higher metabolic rates, which can contribute to shorter overall treatment durations and lessen discomfort during orthodontic procedures.

This age group represents a critical period for orthodontic care, combining physical readiness with social acceptance and metabolic advantages for effective treatment outcomes.